
The Winnipeg Folk Festival is proud to provide services that create an easily accessible Festival.

Manitoba Possible- Purple on White - Small - Do Not Crop or Alter (002)

Apply for an Accessibility Pass

We offer free admission for a support person to attend the Festival with a disabled person through an Accessibility Pass. 

We offer free admission for a support person to attend the Festival with a disabled person through an Accessibility Pass. Application for the accessibility pass through the online form below or by calling Phone:(204) 231-0096 or Toll-Free: 1-866-301-3823. 

For questions regarding accessibly supports please email

Plan Ahead

We are committed to making the Festival accessible, however we acknowledge that we still have our barriers. Here are some points we would like to bring to your attention:

    • The roads and pathways can be uneven and made up of either grass, gravel and/or asphalt. 
    • In wet conditions the ground may be soft and muddy.
    • Tent ropes and pegs can be a tripping hazard. 
    • The Festival site and Campgrounds are a long distance from each other. 
    • On the Festival site there are long distances between stages. 
  • If needed, apply before the Festival for a support person to attend through an Accessibility pass. Applications for the accessibility pass are through the the online form or by calling the office Phone:(204) 231-0096 or Toll-Free: 1-866-301-3823.
  • Download the app (accessible mobile app is available on iOS and Android devices) or review the website before you come.
  • Become familiar with the area and where the accessible seating, parking and washrooms are located, as well as other supports and resources you may require.
  • Get to know the artists and schedules before you come. You can review the text versions for screen-reading software of the artist bios and schedules online. 
  • The Festival site is a large outdoor space in a provincial park. If needed, devices such as mobility scooters are allowed.
  • Bring your own charger with you to re-charge your wheelchair or mobility device. Charging stations are at the Audience Services tent and at the accessible seating area at Main Stage.
  • We welcome service animals. A disabled person can be accompanied by their service animal to all public areas.
  • Contact in advance to access any additional resources or support you require to enjoy the Festival. 

Transportation to the Festival

Free shuttle service runs from downtown Winnipeg to the Festival site:
    • All buses are wheelchair accessible. 
    • Buses depart from downtown Winnipeg and stop on Festival Drive in Birds Hill Provincial Park. 
    • Our downtown stop is on Northbound Memorial between St. Mary and Portage beside the old Hudson's Bay Company building.  
    • The Festival site bus stop is on Festival Drive in Birds Hill Provincial Park. It is approximately 300 meters to the Festival main gate through a grass path.  
Accessible parking:
    • Accessible parking for individuals who have a valid disability parking permit is located in the Festival west parking lot close to the Main Gate.  
    • Accessible spots are in the first rows closest to the entrance and are 320 feet from the entrance and allow for 8 feet of width per stall.   

Festival Site

General information: 
  • Festival site is approximately 0.5 km from the farthest stage Big Bluestem to Main Stage. 
  • Accessibility inquiries and feedback can be submitted by emailing: or during the Festival at the Audience Services tent.
  • Adult changing facility is at the First Aid tent. 
  • Sign language interpretation is offered at select stages. The select stages and performances will be reflected in our schedules in June before the Festival.  
Mobility and seating: 
  • Paths leading to the public areas of the Festival are wide and without steps or barriers. There are gravel paths in main areas and to several, but not every, stage. The ground may be uneven, and mostly grass covered. Patrons with limited mobility or wheelchair users may require assistance. 
  • Wheelchair charging stations are at the Audience Services tent and at the Main Stage accessible seating area. 
  • Main stage accessible seating area is the left side of the seating area when facing the stage.   
Accessible porta-potties: 
  • Wheelchair accessible porta-potties are at every bank of porta-potties on the Festival site. 
  • Access to the accessible porta-pottie located near the Main Stage seating area is behind a fence. Volunteers with blue vests at the backstage entrance near the seating area will provide entry. 
Shopping on site: 
  • There are low counters at sales areas for those in wheelchairs for easier access. 
  • There is additional lighting in the sales areas for greater visibility. 


General Campground Information: 
  • Campers requiring access to electrical to charge essential medical devices are asked to let us know in advance by emailing so we can do our best to accommodate.   
  • The campground shuttles are not wheelchair accessible (i.e. multiple steps). 
  • If you do not need to plug in a medical device, need access to an accessible toilet, or to drive between the Festival site and a campground, you can camp anywhere in the campground. 
Festival Campground Information: 
  • Camping with fewer barriers is available in the RV section of the Festival Campground.  

  • The Festival Campground RV section is approximately 1 km from the Festival site main gate.  

  • Parking is close to the accessible camping area, and there is a washroom with accessible stalls nearby.  

  • An accessibility parking pass for your vehicle can be acquired. It allows you to drive from the camping area to parking near the main gate. This must be arranged before the Festival. To request a campground accessible parking pass, please email:

  • There are a limited number of outlets available to power essential medical devices. Arrangements to access these outlets must be made in advance. Please email to receive access to outlets. 

Quiet Campground Information: 
  • Quiet Campground Area 7 has fewer barriers.

  • The camping area has an accessible path from the communal shelter to the toilet building with an accessible stall. 

  • The Quiet Campground is not fully accessible, and the ground can be uneven.

  • Limited power can be made available to charge essential medical devices.   

  • The campground is 4 km from the Festival site but camping area 7 allows for parking close to the tenting area. You are allowed to drive from your campsite to accessible parking at the Festival site near the main gate. 


Accessibility passes are available for disabled volunteers requiring a support person. Supports and accommodations for disabled audience members are also available for disabled volunteers. Please contact the volunteer department for accommodations at 


Emergency Plans

Security Folk are specially trained to support patrons and volunteers with accessibility needs in the event of an emergency.  


The Accessibility for Manitobans Act makes it possible for people of all abilities to be a part of their communities every day.

The Winnipeg Folk Festival welcomes people of all abilities and inclusion is a priority. We pride ourselves in our efforts to identify, remove and prevent barriers to offer the best festival experience possible. We have assembled an Accessibility Advisory Group to continue those efforts on an ongoing basis.

At the Winnipeg Folk Festival, we believe that accessibility means participation for all people. We commit to achieving as full accessibility as possible in partnership with the people we support, their support networks and our staff and volunteers. We commit to meeting or exceeding our obligations under the Accessibility for Manitobans Act. The WFF commits to sharing expertise on accessibility and to advocating for the rights for all people

Accessibility Plan
(Click icon to download)

Accessible Customer Service Policy
(Click icon to download)