The WFF is committed to booking accessible venues for year-round events such as the concert series.
Burton Cummings Theatre
- Wheelchair accessible main floor
- Wheelchair and companion seating is available with a 1 to 1 arrangement in loge 1 and loge 2. A Chair will be provided for the companion, who will be seated directly beside the wheelchair space. (8 spots available including companion seats, 4 on each side)*
- Seating is also available for visually/hearing impaired patrons, located in section A*
- Accessible seats can be selected at purchase
- For general admission shows accessible seats must be purchased through Ticketmaster over the phone at 1-855-682-6736
- No hearing devices available
- No assigned parking
*Depending on show configuration and production requirements, some sections may not be available for all events.
Centennial Concert Hall
- Wheelchair accessible venue with ramps and elevators
- Wheelchair seating available (15 spots available including companion seats)
- 4 seats for visually impaired patrons
- Accessible seats can be purchased over the phone at 204-949-3999
- Hearing devices available
- Accessible parking available
Millennium Library
- Wheelchair accessible venue
- Hearing-impaired patrons can arrange for a sign language interpreter for any library program by calling 204-986-6450 in advance
Park Theatre
- Wheelchair accessible venue
- Wheelchair seating available (4 spots)
- Limited accessible seating available
- Seating is available for visually impaired patrons are available
- Accessible seats must be purchased through Ticketmaster over the phone at 1-855-682-6736
- No hearing devices available
- No assigned parking
The Good Will
- Wheelchair accessible venue
- Accessible seats must be purchased through Ticketmaster over the phone at 1-855-682-6736
- No hearing devices available
- No assigned parking
West End Cultural Centre
- Wheelchair accessible venue with elevator
- Accessible seats must be purchased through Ticketmaster over the phone at 1-855-682-6736
- No hearing devices available
- No assigned parking